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Timing and Chip Usage Information

Timing Information (Net Time)

- The Marathon Chip Timing System automatically collects information with regard to the rank and the net time of individual runners in mass marathon events or mid- to long-distance runs.

1. Information, including the chip serial number, runner number, name, and organization, are registered into a computer.
2.Marathon chips are attached to a runners running shoes or shoestrings.
3. The chip serial number is broadcast once a runner passes through the checkpoint.
4. Serial number broadcast is received by a receiver that is connected to the checkpoint.
5. The serial number is an integral part of a system that tracks the real-time information of the participants and their records on checkpoints to come up with a comprehensive ranking and net time assessment of the race.

Usage Notes

- Please check whether a chip is included in the package, and immediately contact the event administration if no chip was included. Please check your chip for any defects.

How to Wear Chips

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- The chip, which is disposable, is attached to your shoes with a string.
-All participants must pass through the mat placed on the starting point, turning point, and finish line to register their records.
- Please attach the chip to your shoe or shoestrings for a precise measurement of your time.
- As the record is measured by net time, participants do not have to overtake other participants.
- Please note that wearing 2 or more chips will not result in a record.

How to Manage the Measurement Chips

Marathon chips are precision instruments with delicate semiconductor technology, and the following instructions must be adhered to in order to ensure their performance on the day of competition.

1. Do not discard or lose the chip that is included in the number pad.
2.Attach the chip to your shoes for a precise measurement.
3. Do not drop or disassemble the chip to ensure that the chip would function normally.
4. Do not store the chip near computer monitors or TVs in order to prevent any damage to the chip.